Fountain Dynamics

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Tick Tock

Tick Tock

Tick tock, tick tock, there goes that clock. 

Again it’s tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.  

Oh those annoying sounds coming from that clock.

Have you ever been so tired and you just want to go to sleep?

There you are just lying in a dark room, but your mind is racing with a thousand thoughts. Your body is exhausted and you just want to go to sleep.

But how?

The clock on the wall is going tick tock, tick tock. 

As you lay there the thoughts in your mind start to become faint now, as you slowly start to drift asleep.

But wait!

There’s that sound! Tick tock, tick tock. It’s the sounds coming from the clock.

Is it getting louder?  Or am I just falling deeper into a relaxed stage.

My body is too tired to move and now my mind is focused on the sounds of that clock.

I need sleep! I’m exhausted and I just don’t feel like getting up.

Go to Sleep, I try to tell myself. But my mind is not co-operating with my body.  There’s a sleep battle going on with my mind against my body, and the mind is winning. My mind is so focused on the sounds of the clock.

The sounds of the clock are getting louder and louder. Steadily goes the sounds, tick, tick, tick.

It’s driving me Crazy!

I try to cover my ears with my pillow. I begin to toss and turn as I pile the pillows and blankets over my head. 

But OH No, the clock is winning.  TICK, TICK, TICK!

Arg, I growl and toss and turn some more.

Now I can’t get comfortable. I was all comfy, snug and warm when I first laid down. The pillows are all smooched and the blankets are bunched up around my head. My legs feel a cool draft and my feet are cold.

My mind is saying, I might as well get up and throw that clock out the door!

But no, I thought. I like that clock. I like the location of it. I look at it everyday right where it hangs. Ugh, but I need sleep.

The seconds are now wasting away and I still haven’t gone to sleep. I have to get up and go to work tomorrow and I don’t want to be tired all day.  I was so tired today, and now I’m just exhausted.

Tick, Tick, Tick, T… oh wait, did that clock just miss a tick? Are the seconds getting longer? I’m so tired, maybe it’s slowly fading.

Nope! There it goes again, and faster this time. Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick.

Seconds have turned into minutes. Minutes have now turned into an hour. Two hours have gone by listening to this annoying sound.

That does it!!!

Up from my bed, I throw the blankets off of me.  I get up and head towards the clock, bumping into the furniture because the light switch was not on my mind.  Just the sounds from the clock.

Tick, Tick, Tock! Make it Stop!!!

I snatch the clock off the wall and take it into the other room to lay it on the table. I walk away to go back to bed.  As I was leaving the room it seemed as if the sounds of the ticking had begun to fade.  A whispering, fading sound of tick, tick, tick.

I climb back into bed after I fluff my pillows and straighten out the blankets.

Finally!  Now I can get some sleep, I thought.

My head hits the pillow and I pull up the blankets and try to get all comfy, snuggly and warm again.  Because now I’m cold from having to get up and deal with that clock.  Once again, I close my eyes and think, Ok now I can sleep. Finally!

But wait! I hear it. Yes, I heard it again.


TICK and again tick tick.

Aw, are you Kidding me? 

The sounds are steady and it’s calling my name with each ticking sound it makes. Tick Tick, Tick Tick. It’s on double time now

Tick 1, 2, 3, 4. Tick 1, 2, 3, 4. TICK 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Oh my, this clock is winning the battle of keeping me from getting to sleep. It’s robbing me of my sleep! I Need my rest! This is my time to relax, rest and reguevanate.

 Not this time, Mister Clock! You’re not going to win!

I jump out of bed stomping and stumbling to the other room. Really I was tip toeing and trying to be quiet so I didn’t wake anyone else up. My mind was saying, “How can everyone else sleep? Don’t they hear that noise? Why me? Why can’t I just tune out the noise? I want to sleep too!

Well, I grab the clock and POP out the batteries. Yes, that’s right! 


Well now the guilt overwhelms my conscious as I begin to think. What if the power goes out? I won’t know what time it is. Maybe, I should put the batteries back in.  I won’t be able to sleep if I worry I might over sleep.  If the power goes out my alarm clock won’t wake me up.

Oh My! These Clocks are controlling my life. I need a clock to wake me up and I Have a clock that keeps me awake.

Oh Well, at least I can sleep now! So I thought.

I lay back down and start to get all snuggled.

 Whoops!!! I need to look at my watch to see what time it is.  How many hours of sleep will I get tonight?  I glance at my watch and say, OH NO, I have to get up in two more hours. I’m so tired! I’m so exhausted!  My mind is now worried that I might over sleep.

Stop It Mind! Stop ALL This Madness!!! Just go to sleep!

It’s All quiet now.

Ah, Thank Goodness, finally some peace.

No more tick, tick. No more Tick tock.

I finally can drift off to sleep.  As I start to doze off, slowly taking in each breath, I feel my body relaxing and my mind is slowly fading from any thoughts that try to pop up.

Slowly, drifting. Slowly fading and drifting into a deep, deep, deep…


It was a car that went by. And then another car went by. Another car went by…

Are You Kidding Me? Now it’s the traffic Noise!